No Quarter Nuffle Association
Welcome to the No Quarter Nuffle Association!
All the news from every tier of the NQNA given with colour commentary and completely biased opinions.


     The season continues on with three teams placed in to their playoff leagues and one waiting on the outcome of the other games in their division.  To no ones surprise, the Orcland Raiders have secured a spot in the TBBL with a 3-1 season. Another run for the boys in black and blue seems very likely.

     The Wyld Wymoon started out very strong in the season being the only team to beat the Raiders but stumbled in the last two games to end with a 2-2 record.  This forces the Wymoon into the OWL for the first time.

     No one was shocked to find Archon's Fury sent down to the Beer League.  They ended the season with a disappointing 0-4 record.  As with all Choas teams, the Fury seem to be slow to start but were starting to build up a bit of speed at the end.  It will be interesting to see if a couple games in the Beer League will give them the extra experience they need to become a team to reckon with.

     Finally, the Rope-a-Dope Biff Pows! finished the season with a record of 1-3.  The one win is enough to keep them in the running for a OWL spot.
